DEMEC Members Receive National Reliability Award
DEMEC is proud to announce that the Municipal Services Commission (MSC) of the City of New Castle and Lewes Board of Public Works (BPW) have each received national recognition for achieving exceptional electric reliability in 2018.
Above (L-R): MSC of the City of New Castle and Lewes BPW lineworkers
The recognition comes from the American Public Power Association (APPA), a trade group that represents more than 2,000 not-for-profit, community-owned electric utilities across the country.
APPA helps members track outage and restoration data through its eReliability Tracker service and then compares the data to national statistics tracked by the U.S. Energy Information Administration for all types of electric utilities: municipal, cooperative, and investor-owned.
DEMEC member communities have a strong track record of reliability. To earn the “Certificate of Excellence in Reliability”, the utility must be within the top 25% of all electric utilities in the country when it comes to the shortest time for system outages.