


Establishing DEMEC

The creation of DEMEC was made possible by an act of the Delaware General Assembly on June 6, 1978, which led to our incorporation on July 12, 1979. DEMEC members include the communities of: New Castle, Newark, Middletown, Smyrna, Clayton, Dover, Milford, Seaford, and Lewes.

DEMEC is a Joint Action Agency providing the benefits of economies of scale to its members. About 29 similar Joint Action Agencies exist in the United States. In total, there are over 2,000 municipal electric utilities in operation in the United States today. Most municipal electric utilities and Joint Action Agencies are nationally represented by the American Public Power Association (APPA).

DEMEC Administration

DEMEC is governed by an eight-member Board of Directors, with one director from each of the members’ municipal electric utilities. The responsibility for day-to-day operations of the Agency resides with the President appointed by the Board. The President directs the efforts of the staff members and various contractual relationships in place to meet the service requirements of the members.

Our Members

In total, DEMEC’s member utilities serve a population of over 143,000 people, with a combined peak demand of over 472 megawatts (MW) (See table below). The DEMEC member distribution systems vary in size and character. Over the past ten years, all of the member systems have experienced annual growth rates well above the national average. The members are primarily distribution utilities. 

DEMEC members receive 100% of their power requirements from DEMEC. These requirements are met from a portfolio of owned generation assets, bilateral contracts with third-party suppliers, and participation in the PJM Interconnection, LLC regional markets.

Member Population Peak Load (MW) Electricity Consumed (MWh)
City of Newark 30,169 94.0 438,876
Town of Middletown 25,022 65.3 280,230
City of Milford 13,289 51.1 242,050
City of Seaford 8,735 24.0 117,209
Lewes BPW 3,604 22.3 84,122
MSC of New Castle 5,549 18.3 78,203
Town of Smyrna 13,277 28.9 117,594
Town of Clayton 4,399 7.1 23,079
City of Dover 39,894 161.7 709,990
Total DEMEC Group 143,938 472.7 2,091,353

2023 Data

Additional Services

In addition to power supply, DEMEC provides legal and technical consulting services to its members, as well as representation in the federal and regional arenas regarding electric industry regulation and operation. DEMEC provides its members with the benefits of combined purchasing power. DEMEC also assists member utilities with training programs, project development, key account programs, economic development, education, capital finance, system improvements and technical information to share efforts for improved operating efficiency in their individual communities.

Strong Credit Ratings

DEMEC maintains a strong balance sheet and efficient, well-managed business operations. S&P Global Ratings, Moody’s Investors Services, and Fitch Ratings have assigned DEMEC ratings of “A”, “A1”, and “A”, respectively. DEMEC has maintained an “A” rating or higher for the past 20 years.