City of Seaford Receives Demand Response Incentive

The Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation (DEMEC) congratulates the City of Seaford for its outstanding participation in the 2014/2015 Demand Response Program Year.  The City of Seaford received a cash incentive for reducing their energy consumption during high energy use hours last summer. 

Participation in the DEMEC/Comverge Demand Response Program contributes to the reliability and stability of the regional electric grid while rewarding its participants with monetary incentives. Demand Response is one of the most effective tools used by utilities to combat high electricity costs while supporting electric reliability.

How it works is simple. Customers typically consume the most energy during the summer months. On especially hot days the regional grid becomes strained as customers demand more energy. In an effort to reduce the strain, large energy consumers are incentivized to reduce their energy use during peak hours when energy is most expensive. These reductions provide an effective and valuable service that results in a savings on power supply costs for all DEMEC members.

This incentive was created as a reward to municipal, commercial, and industrial customers who are doing their part to ensure grid reliability, keep costs down, and for being a good steward of the environment. To learn how your company can earn incentives for participating in the DEMEC/Comverge Demand Response Program, contact Scott Lynch, Energy Services Manager for DEMEC at (302) 653-2733 or by email at